Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Don’t Ask; Just DIY!

Do you find yourself experiencing a lot of free time, doing many home décor shopping/home improvements or even trying new things?
Well you showing signs of DIY syndrome; Do It Yourself!  No worries this is a good thing! DIY projects has so many beneficial aspects, so much to gain from doing simple projects yourself. DIY is a method of building, modifying, repairing, or even enhancing something. DIY behavior can be triggered by various motions categorized as marketplace motivations such as; economic benefits, lack of product availability, lack of product quality, the craving of creative freedom, empowerment, lack of financial resources, identity enhancement or something as simple as a relaxation mechanism.

DIY’s are not only fun but they can be extremely beneficial to ones over all well-being.
For instance, DIYing helps build confidence and establish sense of self. Indulging in this activity helps with seeing the good in anything, while building character to learn how to deal with bad situations with a clear – open mind. Also, exercising your brain to come up with different ideas to improve or create something new.  I can proudly say that I am a “DIYer”, and I too am a college student whom is currently on a budget, however, I am also a creative person. I must say it is exciting, rewarding and relaxing to create new things. For instance, I have been in search of a green trash bin for recycling, my journey was long and ended unfortunate when the only green recycle bins I could find were the ones for outside use. Therefore, I decide to DIY, the entire project priced under $15. When embracing DIY, one will experience emotional benefits, such as the overwhelming sense of satisfaction from a job well done.
(Done by YOU)

Ultimately, one is saving money! Having DIY skills is perfect for retirement and or additional income; for starters, one may find a way to use his/her expertise to their advantage. Every big company has to start somewhere, and there is always a good, product, or source that consumers can benefit from. Due to this new century, one needs not to go door-to-door and try to sell his or her products. Many sites that can help business adventures and ideas such as companies’ like- ETSY. Etsy is a global online marketplace where people can buy and sell their handmade crafts. Etsy has 15 millions buyers, and no membership fees needed. It only costs 20 cents to list ones item for four months. Once you sell, Etsy takes a 3.5% fee from the sale price. Then you also have sites like EBAY and OfferUP, which are great for those whom are starting out in this line of business.

Therefore, if you have not tried it out yet, there are several ideas and instruction on Google. I challenge you,
Just DIY!


 A DIY(done by ME)  #Recycle