Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Recently in my Digital Marketing class, we were asked to create a Google Data Analytics, a report that will keep track of how many new and previous viewers visit my blog page. In addition, to bounce rate, page sessions, and traffic sources. I must say I was quote surprised to see the increase in my page views within only four weeks. Unfortunately, my bounce rate is in the high 90%, meaning that when using visit my site they do not find thing that peak their interest, therefore they move on to the next site in hopes of something more intriguing. Monitoring this data only shows me that I need to create ways to increasing my bounce rate. In doing so, constantly uploading blog posts that are more driven to the film industry, placing information out there will not only capture ones attention but keeps them coming back for more. Nonetheless, I have a lot of work to do, and I will continue to research how to have a successful blog.


There are many viral videos place out into the world on a daily basis, some interesting, others useful and some simply for entertainment. I would consider myself a “YouTuber”, I find myself searching through YouTube for hours, many times for motivational and creative expression content. I came across a video a while back that stuck with me. I found “A Pep Talk from Kid President” on YouTube. The video is informational, motivational and to prompt an action within ones self. If you have not watched it, I strongly encourage you to do so. The video has generated over hundred thousand views and the channel has gained the same in subscribers.

Searching the video was simple, any long tail or keywords such as “Kid President” or “Pep talk” would lead you directly to video. This video is indifferent when it comes to supporting other marketing efforts; it is not for or against anything in particular. The video links to social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. When writing posts related to particular content one can utilize hash tags like: #PEPTALK, #KidPresident #WAKEUP #encouragement.

As far as monetizing efforts for this video, only few have been made. However, I do believe because this YouTube channel has turned into something that is recurring, with different topics of today. Many entrainment media driven campaigns could utilize Pep talks from the Kid President. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Recently coming across an old article discussion the evolution of digital marketing today, and the effects in which the film industry has witness because of it. The article was outdated to about three- four years prior. Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to read the views of those witnessing the change within the digital landscape. I find digital marketing strategies to be highly effective for current and future filmmakers and creative geniuses. Digital media and marketing plays a large role within this industry. Filmmakers utilizes outlets such as YouTube and LinkedIn daily to stream new videos/projects. Sites like Instagram and Twitter are great for a networking and marketing for ones project.

Online advertising and promotion is generally inexpensive, so that is one automatic incentive for digital campaign producers. One can spend a relatively small amount of money, utilize their creativity, and find digital space in which to reach a broad audience. Doing so, also presents the opportunity to reach beyond your planned for audience because you never know whom exactly is using your chosen medium or who is connected to whom.

Nonetheless, I could post the trailer to a film and then create my own promotional packet. In doing so, positing it online to one of the several sites, over time will help develop online presence and attention. Facebook, Venmo and Instagram allows me the artist to tag or link people who I believe will latch on to my project/teaser/trailer. They are able to repost it on their favorite social media outlet, with ease in order to share with others. Thus, spreading my trailer with little to no extra effort on my part and expanding my promotional reach. Author Matt Dartnell from Walla roomMedia believes that “I think there’s a tremendous amount of inertia in the movie-marketing business. I think that it’s status quo to spend tremendous amounts of money through broad campaigns. I think it takes a little more work, but you can be remarkably efficient in an iterative way, yet at first the digital route for marketing isn’t a bad one.”

Overall, Timing is incredibly important  and one must build up as much hype in the short space of time leading up to and around the launch as possible.